
A newsletter designed to automate healthy eating habits. Because when we take care of our bodies, our bodies take care of us. ✨

Hi 👋 I’m Jamie and getting certified in plant-based nutrition over a decade ago changed my life. I went from believing that I needed to eat meat for protein and consume dairy for calcium and had no idea that whole plant foods had all the optimal nutrients we needed.

Put another way - eating meat and dairy is delicious but we don’t need to eat them to get the essential nutrients we need for our bodies to thrive.

It’s been quite the food journey over the years and I’ve picked up incredible knowledge along the way from credible experts. After I learned how to change my eating habits, I turned into a superhuman - my version of one! I love empowering others with what I’ve learned and teaching them how to keep the motivation lit to keep going with our healthy eating habits.

🍚 Rice and shine

Certified in plant-based nutrition, I’ve learned countless empowering and life-altering upgrades that should be taught in school, and then reinstated in every corporate wellness program. Since that’s not our current day reality, it’s up to us to stay curious and learn because too many people suffer from believing what I did years ago.

The greatest thing I’ve learned and applied about the optimal way to eat is to make sure that a whole starch plant food is at the center of our meals: rice (my favorite) and all other grains, potatoes, beans, lentils, oats, and sometimes even bread and pasta.

Great news, right?

✨ Why ‘plant52’

The name of this journey reflects the practice I’ve learned to build which eventually changes everything. The framework of plant52 is realistic, takes things slowly and methodically, and most importantly, it’s effective.

Replacing bad habits with good ones takes time and grace. Taking things one week at a time and learning what healthy foods I love to eat have been the golden ticket to success for me.

What happens after a year of doing anything?

It gets easier. It becomes as ‘automated’ as any human behavior can get. We learn important life skills. We start to master things and feel proud of ourselves. We upgrade ourselves into superhumans (at least a ‘super’ version of ourselves we may have never met before). We simply live better lives.

I welcome you to join the journey.

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Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. ✨ Learn how to automate healthy eating habits one week at a time.


Learn how to automate healthy eating habits by taking it one week at a time. Take care of your body, and your body will take of you. ✨